temporary license key for Advanced PDF Tools

Good afternoon,

We are interested in purchasing an Advanced PDF Tools license for one of our servers, but it’s a requirement that we test the software prior to any purchase. The trial version you provide is limited to optimizing the first half of the first page. Please let me know how I can get temporary access to a full version of the Advanced PDF Tools in order to optimize a full document and check the results, before I submit a purchase request to my manager.

Your assistance is appreciated.
Please call me if you have any questions.

Thanks for your message, we haven’t a temporary license for evaluation purpose, although the trial version is hide 50% pages from output PDF file, but it doesn't affect the evaluation, because it is just hide the half pages (50% pages) from output PDF file, but it doesn't delete these pages from output PDF file physically, so it doesn't affect the file size of output PDF file, after you purchased it, these half pages (50% pages) will be shown in the output PDF file.


Thanks for your reply. So you're saying the trial version and the full version will produce the same physical file with the same size, correct?
Yes, you are right, the trial version and full version will produce the same physical file with the same size.

Also, if you wish compress the PDF file size, you can download PDF Optimizer from our website to try,


after you download and unzip it to a folder, you can run following command line to optimize and compress your PDF file,

pdfopt.exe -mode 4 test.pdf out.pdf

you can also use VeryDOC PDF Compressor to compress the PDF file by JBIG2 and JPEG2000 compression arithmetic,



Thanks for your help. I am using the following command and the file size only decreased from 16015 KB to 16007 KB and this is not much..

C:\pdftools>pdftools -S "linearize=true" -i C:\Web.pdf -o C:\Web_Optimized.pdf "-!" "True" -w 2 -e ""

The location of the file online in case you want to check it is: http://www.hancockbank.com/home/PropertiesForSale/Web%20-%20Properites%20for%20Sale%20Daily.pdf
Please download VeryDOC PDF Compressor product from following web page to try, you can use VeryDOC PDF Compressor product to compress this PDF file up to 2.31MB, it is 85% smaller than original PDF file,



you can run following command line to compress your PDF file,

C:\>pdfcompressor.exe -gi jpg -gidown -gidownres 72 -gidowntype 1 -ci jpg -cidown -cidownres 72 -cidowntype 1 -mi fax -midown -midownres 72 -midowntype 1 "D:\downloads\Web - Properites for Sale Daily.pdf" "D:\downloads\Web - Properites for Sale Daily2.pdf"
Input File = "C:\Users\Temp\pdf6A77.tmp.pdf"
Output File = "D:\downloads\Web - Properites for Sale Daily2.pdf"
Original PDF file size   =  16.40MB (16400.49KB, 16400488 Bytes)
Compressed PDF file size =   2.42MB (2424.95KB, 2424945 Bytes)
Compression Ratio        = 85.21%



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