in order to find a good solution for pdfa validation and convertation I found the following bugs (see report attached) with your software.
Since PDF/A is a Standard, this must not happen.
In order I did something wrong - just let me know.
Please do not take my input as a blame, is a chance for improvement.
hust open the following link:
and download the reference Isartor Test Suite (located at the end of the page).
It's a ZIP file with abot 200 PDF samples cathegorized according to breaches in the PDF/A standard.
Concerning my Product ID:
I have none, since I'm just in the testing to find out / decide for the right solution.
Thanks for your message, we will download these PDF files for test at later, we will try to include the fix for the problem into the next version of pdf2pdfa product, we will let you know after new version is available.
thank's for answer.
Just let me know when there are updates on your product. I might be interrested to run the test again 😉
That's no problem, thanks for your great feedback.
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