use docPrint to collect the print jobs, combine all print jobs into one print job

We just purchased a license for your docPrint product.

It works fine if we print 3 or 4 page documents to it.  But the documents that we need to print to it are 100+ pages long.  Then the docPrint App goes to not responding and never recovers.  If I look in task manager there is a artprint.exe*32 process for each page.  But they never clear out.

Here is what the app we are printing does and what we need:
We select several documents and it puts them together into individual print jobs for each page.  It then prints each one of them to the driver.

We want to capture these print jobs as a single .TIFF multi-page file.  We want to be able to specify the save file name.

Please help!!! I have also attached a .ZIP file containing the log files from a debug run that I let run for 40 minutes.

You can print your document (100+ pages) to docPrint PDF Driver (not the docPrint), then you can save to multi-page TIFF file correctly, please to try.

If I use the docPrint PDF Driver it prompts me to save each page, so 100+ save as dialogs.  The jobs are submitted to the printer as individual jobs so I need to collect them all and save them as 1 .tiff after they are processed.


If you wish use docPrint to collect the print jobs, you need wait a few seconds between the print jobs, for example,

1. print first job to docPrint,
2. wait until this job appear in the docPrint,
3. print second job to docPrint,
4. wait until this job appear in the docPrint,
5. print #3 job to docPrint,
6. wait until this job appear in the docPrint,
7. and so on...

We hoping above steps will work fine to you, please to try.

You can also create a TIFF file for each job first, and the use our tiffcp.exe to combine thse TIFF files into one TIFF file, tiffcp.exe is included in our docPrint Pro v5.0 product, the Std version hasn't tiffcp.exe, after you installed docPrint Pro v5.0, you can use it as below,

"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\psdriver\tiffcp.exe" a C:\001.tif C:\out.tif
"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\psdriver\tiffcp.exe" a C:\002.tif C:\out.tif
"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\psdriver\tiffcp.exe" a C:\003.tif C:\out.tif
"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\psdriver\tiffcp.exe" a C:\004.tif C:\out.tif
"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\psdriver\tiffcp.exe" a C:\005.tif C:\out.tif

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