VeryPDF html converter conversion bug

Hi, I have a simple html page with 2 not animated gif's (saved from Photoshop), and they aren't converted in the PDF, there's only an'empty place.
And there's also an text with a hyperlink, the space before the text with the hyperlink in the pdf is cutted away.
An other problem is that the page in the pdf is centered and not top aligned.

One question, is the conversion Internet Explorer depended or does it have an indipendent conversion engine?
Please download latest version of HTML Converter from our website to try again, we hoping the latest version will work better for you,

please refer to attached PDF file, this PDF file was created by following command line, this PDF file looks fine,

htmltools.exe D:\temp3\estimate_it.html D:\temp3\estimate_it.pdf

Thank you for your fast reply, the file you converted is correct , but  I was using VeryPDF HTML Converter v2.0 (GUI Version) to make the tests.

We really need to do the conversion by command line, does it mean we have to buy
VeryPDF HTML Converter Command Line Version v2.1 for 399 US$ ?
Yes, you can use "VeryPDF HTML Converter Command Line Version v2.1 for 399 US$" to convert this HTML file to PDF file, HTML Converter Command Line is work better than GUI version, you can always use HTML Converter Command Line to instead of GUI version without any problem.

Hi, isn't it possibile to use also VeryPDF HTML Converter v2.0 (GUI Version) by command line? Honestly 400 US$ is too much for us.
Thank you in advance, best regards.
Thanks for your message, VeryPDF HTML Converter v2.0 (GUI Version) doesn't support Command Line feature, if you wish use command line feature, you need purchase command line version, please understand.

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