We found some problem with your product, PDF2XML.
1. In PDF2XML, tag <Transform> doesn't create and transfer speed is too slow.
Reference to "Casanova.pdf" that we attached and the output file of that, "Page2.xml"
2. After executing PDFToImageConverter function in PDF2Image API, sometime specific pdf file could not read or some of characters are missing from image file.
2-1. If we use "PDFToImageConverter2" function, the images are created well.
But if the parameters of the function, "firstPage" is same to "lastPage", Â PDFToImageSetFileNameSuffix() function is NOT working.
2-2. We need some information related "PDFToImageConverter" function.
What's the difference between "PDFToImageConverter", "PDFToImageConverter2" and "PDFToImageConverterEx"?
Please explain the differences.
We are waiting for your answer. Please reply as soon as possible.
Have a nice day!
I'm remember we have removed the tag <Transform> from output XML file, because the values of tag <Transform> has been combined into real X and Y coordinates, you can get real X and Y coordinates from XML directly, so you needn't calculate X, Y coordinates by Transform matrix again, this will save your workload.
Yes, this is caused by design, if "firstPage" is same to "lastPage", PDF2Image SDK will consider this is a single image file, so it will not add suffix to the output file name, it will simple ignore the value which set by PDFToImageSetFileNameSuffix() function.
"PDFToImageConverter" function and "PDFToImageConverter2" functions are two different render methods to render the PDF page, "PDFToImageConverter" function is using Windows GDI functions to render the PDF page to image file, "PDFToImageConverter2" function is using ourself's render engine to instead of Windows GDI functions, we have implement DrawLine, DrawRectange, FillColor, DrawImage, DrawText, etc. functions to instead of Windows GDI functions in "PDFToImageConverter2" function.
"PDFToImageConverterEx" function is based on "PDFToImageConverter" function, but "PDFToImageConverterEx" can convert PDF page to image file with specify width and height values.
Thank you for your answer.
You told me you have already remove the tag <Transform>. But the tag <Transform> sometimes shows and sometimes doesn't.
That's why I asked the question.
If it is something wrong, I think the version of "PDF2XML.dll" is different to yours.
So could you offer your the latest version of "PDF2XML.dll" for us?
The file size of "PDF2XML.dll" which we got is 2.74MB (2,879,488 byte).
I'll waiting for your answer.
Have a good day!
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused to you, I have checked with our engineer just now, he told me that <Transform> is come from "cm" command in the PDF file, if your PDF file contains "cm", PDF2XML SDK will output <Transform> to output XML file, if your PDF file is not contain "cm" command, the output PDF file will not contain <Transform>.
Thanks for your message, you can always download the latest version of PDF2XML SDK from following URL,
I think you remember I request your the latest "PDF2XML.DLL".
So you gave to me the following URL.
When we use previous version, we can get unicodes of Korea letters.
But if we use the latest version you gave to us, we can not get them.
So I wonder the latest version is adopted something related unicode of Korean letter.
Please answer me about this question as soon as possible.
Thanks for your message, you can simple compare the date of two "PDF2XML.DLL" files, if your "PDF2XML.DLL" date is newer than http://www.verydoc.com/pdf2xmlsdk.zip, you can use your "PDF2XML.DLL" file always, because we are not update the PDF2XML SDK frequently.
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