I’m looking to purchase a server version of your PDF to Image converting software and I have a couple of questions:
I noticed when using the command line “PDF2Image.exe pti-uk3.pdf pti-uk3.jpg” your program creates 2 copies of each page, one using the PDFToImageConverter() and the other using the PDFToImageConverter2(). The first batch of images produced by the PDFToImageConverter() do not produce very good quality images as it does not seem to handle transparency very well. The second set of images produced by the PDFToImageConverter2() are very good quality and perfect for my needs. Is there any way to run the PDF2Image.exe from the command line and only produce the second set of images?
Is possible I would like to get the same results with the API interface using VB.Net? At present I am calling the PDFToImageConverter function but I am getting poor quality jpegs like the ones produced by the PDFToImageConverter() in the command line tool. Should I be using the PDFToImageConverterEx API function?
If you can let me know the answers to the above, I will definitely be purchasing this produce.
Please download another version of PDF to Image Converter from following web page to try, this version of PDF to Image Converter is based on PDFToImageConverter2() function,
You can use PDFToImageConverter2() function to convert your PDF file to high quality JPEG file, PDFToImageConverter2() function is work better than PDFToImageConverter() function.
Thanks for your help.
I purchased a copy of your software yesterday and I got it working using the PDFToImageConverter2 function. I'm not sure whether or not you have one but I couldn't find a document which listed all of the API functions. I managed to find the PDFToImageConverter2 function through an vb example as it was not listed on the user manual page:
I hope that help.
Great product.
Thanks for your message, PDFToImageConverter2() is a new function, we haven't added into " PDF To Image Converter COM component user manual " yet, you can call PDFToImageConverter2() function from your code to convert PDF files to image files, that's no problem.