one question again:
i am printing ONE JPG in every loop until ... this results in many queue entries in the printer queue ... works as designed ...
BUT only the FIRST print job saves to file automatically !!
ALL the others pops up a file save-dialog !!!
i monitored this with REGEDIT and the keys the code puts in every loop RIGHT ...
but if the first job finishes the key entry "AutomaticOutput" goes to "0" !!!!!
any idea ?
Yes, if you print more documents to docPrint PDF Driver at same time, the following print jobs will overwrite the settings of first print job, you need wait until first print job be finished completely before you launch a new print job, you need print your documents one by one, please understand this matter.
I've installed now docprint sdk ...
some questions:
- the command "docPrint_Register "XXXXXXXXX", "My Company"" does not work --> error "Sub or Function not defined" in excel-vba
- how can i specify "OVERWRITE EXISTING FILE" when print to file(s) ?
- how can i specify to ignore paper size for JPG file - this means not to print on A4 or something like that and to generate the file only with the image within and not to get "white bars around the image" ?
- it put a string for the filename example "Y:\...\...\XXX_1.jpg" and the driver generates then a file "y:\...\...\XXX_1_0001.jpg" --> i do not want this ...
- it works per default with JPG fine, how to switch for ex. to EMF ?
thank you very much
You can use "DocPrintCom.docPrint" COM interface to try again, "DocPrintCom.docPrint" COM does contain a docPrintCOM_Register() method too, for example,
strCmd = " -i """ & sourcePath & """ -o """ & destiantionPath & """ -* XXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
Set docPrint = CreateObject("DocPrintCom.docPrint")
nRet = docPrint.docPrintCOM_Register("XXXXXXXXXXXXXX", " Company")
nRet = docPrint.RunCmd(strCmd, 0)
You can above code from VBA easily.
docPrint SDK does overwrite existing PDF file automatically, you needn't specify any additional parameters for overwriting.
Do you wish remove margins from output image files? If yes, you can use trimimage.exe to crop the margins, for example,
"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\psdriver\trimimage.exe" C:\in.tif C:\out.tif
"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\psdriver\trimimage.exe" C:\in.bmp C:\out.png
"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\psdriver\trimimage.exe" C:\in.jpg C:\out.png
Do you want stop add the page header and footer to printout image files? If yes, you need clear the page header and footer options from printing application, such as MS IE or Word or other printing application.
If you wish create the EMF files, you need use docPrint Printer to instead of docPrint PDF Driver, docPrint PDF Driver does support PDF, PS, EPS, JPG, PNG, etc. files creation, but it can't create EMF and WMF files, if you wish create EMF and WMF files, you need use docPrint printer.
You can simple use "-e" parameter to use the docPrint printer, please refer to following command line,
"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" -e -i C:\input.doc -o C:\output.emf
Your two images have different contents, are they the same picture?
also, do you point to the difference in the margins in converted JPG file? If yes, you can use imgconv.exe to convert JPG to a new JPG file,
"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\imgconv.exe" C:\test.jpg C:\out.jpg
imgconv.exe can convert between different image formats and without change the margins, we hoping imgconv.exe will work fine to you.