Windows 2008 R2 server with OpenOffice 3.3. Calling doc2any, it says:
Check license information...
Thank you for choosing our product.
Check utility functions...
Start the conversion...
Convert OpenOffice Documents to other formats by OpenOffice:
[FAILED] Can't retrieve OpenOffice information from registry.
[FAILED] OpenOffice failed, we will use MS Office to convert 'C:\test.odt' document.
.. What registry settings are doc2any looking for and not finding?
Attached are reg keys for OO.
We are try to open following item for OpenOffice, if your system hasn't this registry item, please find it in another system and copy it to current system to try again,
This key is not created on a fresh OpenOffice 3.3. install.
Do you need this registry key to locate the soffice.exe to start? There are other registry keys to obtain this.
Can you please send to me a .reg file for the path of OO? After I checked your .reg file, I will provide a solution to you shortly.