I'm ask the following questions help
1. when I run the command by the view below does not open and displays the following box:
htmltools.exe -debug -view "-$" "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" "%CD%\TESTE.HTML" "%CD%\OutMy.pdf"
acrobat failed to load Core DLL.
2.how can I force the page to the document is always a portrait A4.?
work for the following tag page breaks?, in which syntax ?
' <p style="page-break-before: always;"'
"acrobat failed to load Core DLL." problem is caused by Adobe Reader, it is not caused by our VeryPDF HTML Converter product, you can use following command line to convert your HTML file to PDF file first,
htmltools.exe -debug "-$" "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" "%CD%\TESTE.HTML" "%CD%\OutMy.pdf"
after you get the PDF file, you can open the converted PDF file in Adobe Reader by manual for viewing.
htmltools.exe doesn't support '<p style="page-break-before: always;"' syntax, this syntax is supported by our DocConverter COM and docPrint Pro v5.0 products. For the htmltools.exe application, you can run following command line to convert your HTML file to multi-page PDF file. For example, the following command line will able to create Letter paper size PDF file,
htmltools.exe -nocenter -width 612 -height 792 -emfheight 792 "https://www.verypdf.com/" "C:\multipage.pdf"
You can use "-width" and "-height" parameters to set the paper size during conversion, you can also use "-emfheight" parameter to break a long html page into some short pages.
You need convert from inch to point, for example,
8.5inch = 8.5x72 = 612pt
11inch = 11x72 = 792pt
If you wish convert HTML file to A4 PDF file, you can run following command line,
htmltools.exe -nocenter -width 595 -height 842 -emfheight 842 "https://www.verypdf.com/" "C:\multipage.pdf"
In the new version of htmltools.exe application, you can use following page break symbol to break following contents into a new PDF page,
for example, you can run following command line to convert your HTML file with page breaks to a multi-page PDF file properly,
htmltools.exe -webkit test-pagebreaks.htm _test-pagebreaks.pdf