I want to purchase Doc2Any Converter royalty free license

We are interested in your product Doc2Any in SDK / COM version. We’re a software development company and we would like to know if it’s necessary to purchase a server license for each client to install our application or we can use development license that provides royalty free distribution.

Greetings and best regards.
If you will wish distribute our product along with your product to your customers, you need purchase the Developer License, the Server License hasn’t “Redistribution” privilege.


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2 Replies to “I want to purchase Doc2Any Converter royalty free license

  1. Does this mean that we could distribute the developer license with our product royalty free? What if our product runs on a web server (per customer)?

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    1. Yes, you can distribute the developer license with your product royalty free. After you purchase the Developer License, you can install the software to your web server, all customers on this server will able to use our product without any restrictions.

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