monitor a folder for DOC to SWF conversion

Hi, I am very interested in testing and trying out Doc to Any.

What I need to do, can your software do this?
1. Have logs success/error/warning logs on each convert attempt and convert.
2. Run in real time. so when a file is in the input folder it is picked up and converted to the desired output which is .swf

I also need to know what the stability of the product is,  if this is running as a service how many files can it convert before crashing or fail?
Is there a file size limitation on converts?

Please respond ASAP as I would like to move forward.

Also, can I use DocConverter COM similar to the Doc to Any?  My goal is to have any input file Output to a .swf file so we can post on our website.
Is there a method to wildcard the input file and output to .swf?  Or do we have to determine the file type and such.  Do you already have code to monitor folders?

DocConverter COM is can only convert office documents to PDF files, it can't convert office documents to SWF files.

>>Is there a method to wildcard the input file and output to .swf?  Or do we have to determine the file type and such.

You can simple run following command line to batch convert your office documents to SWF files,

Doc2any.exe C:\test\*.doc C:\out\*.swf

>>Do you already have code to monitor folders?

We haven't a monitor folder application yet, we are planning release a monitor folder application in the future, we will let you know after this application is ready.

When do you expect the folder monitoring to be completed?

Just wondering what is DWG to Vector Enterprise Lic cost?

I need to understand what your support details are.  I don't see any details about product upgrades or support length, hours, etc.,...
Thanks for your message, we are planning release this FolderWatcher application within three months, we will let you know after this application is ready.

DWG to Vector Converter Command Line Enterprise Lic cost is USD1995, you can purchase it from our website directly,

Please refer to our support policy from following web page,

I am interested in knowing if/when you will be supporting HTML5 as output?
Thanks for your message, we are planning support HTML5 as output format within next a few months, I have added the HTML5 format into the job queue, our engineers will work on this function when they have time.

I used the following command and it started WINWORD on my computer, I do not want to have to have 3rd party software installed inorder to convert.  I don't want to have to have Office or OpenOffice or Adobe, etc... to convert files.
I executed the following command and it started WINWORD.exe.

doc2any.exe -useoffice 0 C:\temp\LANDSCAPEdoc.docx c:\temp\landscapedoc.swf
Thanks for your message, you need install MS Word 2007 or 2010 in order to convert DOCX format to SWF format, our doc2any.exe can't render DOCX format without MS Word 2007 or 2010 installed, please understand.


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