I've looked through your on-line documentation and I've seen where you support image reduction through the PDFCompress.exe program. But, I'm not sure it will do what I want.
My current process is as follows:
1.) I receive PDF files emailed to me, many of which contain a scanned document. Meaning the entire PDF file is page size color images.
2.) I create my own PDF file which contains the received PDFs and other specific data.
3.) I then email the final document.
Sometimes the combined document is over 20MB, which is my email limit. This, of course, is due to the large scanned PDFs.
Your program appears to allow me to specify the compression, quality (which I interpret as number of colors used), and image size (which I interpret as dpi relative to the original image).
I do not want to reduce an image below 200dpi, but I do want to convert all color images to Grey scale. Can I achieve this though your compression program, and at the command line?
Yes, our pdfcompressor.exe has ability to compress the scanned images below 200DPI, VeryDOC PDF Compressor can be downloaded from following web page,
after you unzip it to a folder, you can use following command lines to compress your PDF files,
pdfcompressor.exe -jbig2 -jpx test-bw.pdf _test-bw_jbig2_1.pdf
pdfcompressor.exe -ci jpg -cidown -cidownres 150 -gi jpg -gidown -gidownres 150 -mi fax -midown -midownres 150 test-bw.pdf _test-bw_fax.pdf
pdfcompressor.exe -ci jpx -cidown -cidownres 150 -gi jpx -gidown -gidownres 150 -mi jbig2 -midown -midownres 150 test-bw.pdf _test-bw_jbig2_2.pdf
pdfcompressor.exe -jbig2 -jpx test-color.pdf _test-color_jpeg2000.pdf
you can use "-jbig2 -jpx" options to compress images in your PDF document with JBIG2 and JPEG2000 compression methods, "-jbig2 -jpx" options will not affect the images's quality in your PDF document, they are just re-compress images in your PDF document with new compression arithmetic, this will make your PDF files smaller enough.
also, VeryDOC PDF Compressor hasn't an option to convert all color images to Grey scale, we will try to implement this function in the future releases.