We are evaluating PDF tools for an initiative my organization is undertaking, and am testing yours now. It’s performing well so far but there is one particular thing I need to determine regarding the page range argument.
I know that I can specify multiple -AT calls (a header at the top and one at the bottom, for example), but when I use a page range value it seems to govern all -AT calls, so that both the top and the bottom stamps appear on all pages within that range.
If I want is to have a top center stamp on page 1 and a bottom center stamp on the other pages, can I do this? If so, what is the syntax?
I have not heard from you, but I have bought a personal license. Still determining whether I will recommend a developer license.
Regarding my question below, I am assuming it has to be done in a loop, each file requiring two separate lines in a bat file. Am I right, or is there a way to do it in one line?
Another question: I cannot get opacity values to work for text stamps. It is opaque, regardless of what I do. Below is an example that does not yield transparency. Do you see an error?
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "100-XX_STAMPED.pdf" -AT "Footer" -fs12 -p6 -c#ff5555 -FT "Verdana" -mtb-30 -SR -S2 -E3 -opacity50
Appreciate your help on this, as we are on fast track to make a decision.
1). You need use two command lines to add the stamps to PDF file, you can't put them into one command line.
2). Please run following command line to get opacity option to work, this command line will work fine to you,
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "100-XX_STAMPED.pdf" -AT "Footer" -fs12 -p6 -c#ff5555 -FT "Verdana" -opacity50 -mtb-30 -SR -S2 -E3
Yes, thanks, this works. Another question:
How do I specify a page range of 2 to last page, where number of pages varies from book to book?
You can use following command line to specify a page range from 2 to last page,
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "15.pdf" -AI "logo.jpg" -p2 -r-45 -mlr80 -mtb200 -w300 -h300 -l -S2
you can use "-S2" to specify the first page of 2, and without use "-E" parameter to specify maximum page.