Thank you for your excellent help.
Ok i will place an order for the command line version.
We have created a new version of doc2any.exe to you, please download it from following URL,
you can run following command line to get page count from an existing DOC file,
doc2any.exe -pagecount C:\test.doc
Hello support team,
I am successfully using your two converters doc2any and pdf2img to show my product to customers.
If everything goes well, i will be placing you more orders as customers adopt my solution.
In order to have even better results, i have some questions and suggestions to improve your product, i hope this information is useful to you and also hope to get your preview releases anytime soon.
So here is the list, please can you comment or answer to those requests?
* For Powerpoint files, the converter outputs the number of sheets "'xxx file contains NN sheets". This is very useful to show information to the user.
Can you please standardize this also for Word doc/docx files?
If you remember, i asked you to implement a -pagecount option for word files that works, in this way it would be outputted every time there is a doc conversion.
* Can you output some progress indicator during conversion? Example: page 1/N or just a number 0 to 100.
This is always useful to show some visual indicator of progress to the user.
* I noticed that doc2any cannot be run in parallel, just one instance. That is bad, as the conversion does not consume all of the CPU power, in multi-core machines many instances could be spawned to concurrently convert files.
Why is it like this? Can you remove the limitation?
This does not happen in pdf2img.
* Pdf2Img does not have a pagecount option, and getting the pdftools just to have this functionality is overkill.
Could you please include a "'xxx file contains NN sheets" output at the beginning of the conversion?
* Progress indicator is needed here also.
* Doc2any at the end outputs an OK result and some useful information on timing for the conversion.
This does not happens in pdf2img, it would be very useful.
In general, i think your products would benefit if they are standardized in their output.
General questions:
* How can i be notified of newer version/builds of these products? Is there a beta-program?
I am a software developer too, and i know testing is important, so feel free to include me in your beta if you have one.
Hope this questions are useful to you too, and waiting for your answers.
thank you for the information.
Doc2any.exe does support concurrent conversion, you can run "test-concurrent-conversion.bat" or following command lines to batch convert your documents to other formats at one time,
start "" "%CD%\doc2any.exe" -killoffice 0 -useprinter "%CD%\example.docx" "%CD%\example.docx.pdf"
start "" "%CD%\doc2any.exe" -killoffice 0 -useprinter "%CD%\example.doc" "%CD%\example.doc.pdf"
start "" "%CD%\doc2any.exe" -multipagetif -bitcount 1 -xres 300 -yres 300 -killoffice 0 -useprinter "%CD%\example.docx" "%CD%\example.docx.tif"
start "" "%CD%\doc2any.exe" -multipagetif -bitcount 1 -xres 300 -yres 300 -killoffice 0 -useprinter "%CD%\example.doc" "%CD%\example.doc.tif"
For the other options, we will try to implement them in the future releases, we will let you know after new versions are ready, thanks for your patience.
Can you please explain the effect of the "-killoffice 0" option?
"-killoffice 0" option will not kill the office processes after conversion, if you wish convert more documents to other formats at same time, you need use "-killoffice 0" option.