We have finished the "EAN/UCC Code 128" feature in the PDFForm_InsertDataBarcodeImageIntoPDF() function, please download the new version of PDFForm SDK from following URL,
after you unzip it to a folder, please look at "Barcode_VC++3_Code128" folder, this folder is the example source code about how to add EAN Code128 into PDF file.
We have added two types of Code128 into the new version to you, they are Code128_UCC and Code128_RAW barcode types, you can use following sample source code to insert Code128_UCC (also named EAN Code 128) into PDF file,
void main(int argc, char *argv[])
char szBarcodeTemp[MAX_PATH];
GetModulePath(szBarcodeTemp, "Barcode-temp.pdf");
char szBarcodeNew[MAX_PATH];
GetModulePath(szBarcodeNew, "_Barcode-out3_barcode128.pdf");
string strFormValues;
strFormValues += "BarCode1[0]=>Code128=>(01)01234567890128(15)051231";
strFormValues += "\n";
strFormValues += "BarCode2[0]=>Code128_UCC=>(01)01234567890128(15)051231";
strFormValues += "\n";
strFormValues += "BarCode3[0]=>Code128_RAW=>(01)01234567890128(15)051231";
strFormValues += "\n";
strFormValues += "BarCode4[0]=>Code128=>(01)01234567890128(15)051231";
strFormValues += "\n";
strFormValues += "BarCode5[0]=>Code128_UCC=>(01)01234567890128(15)051231";
strFormValues += "\n";
strFormValues += "BarCode6[0]=>Code128_RAW=>(01)01234567890128(15)051231";
strFormValues += "\n";
strFormValues += "BarCode7[0]=>Code128=>(01)01234567890128(15)051231";
strFormValues += "\n";
strFormValues += "BarCode8[0]=>Code128_UCC=>(01)01234567890128(15)051231";
bRet = PDFForm_InsertBarcodeIntoPDF2(szBarcodeTemp, szBarcodeNew, strFormValues.c_str());
printf("Return value is: %d\n", bRet);
If you have any question for the “Code128_UCC” code, please feel free to let us know, we will assist you asap.
we have tested the software, especially the Code 128 EAN and everything is ok.
One question : Is “Code128_RAW” the same as the former “Code128” ? “Code128” works as before !
The functionality is that what we specified, good job.
No, Code128_RAW and Code128 are two different barcode types, original Code128 is “Code128”, Code128_RAW is the Code128 RAW type, it is a new barcode type, if you needn’t it, you can simple ignore it.
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