We're currently running VeryPDF docPrint Pro v4.0. Is this the latest version? If not, can you tell me if we are eligible for an upgrade?
Also, are there any known limitations to the number of rows or amount of data that can / cannot be printed to PDF with this product? For example, would you expect the product to be able to convert/print a table containing 100,000 + rows?
No, the latest version is VeryPDF docPrint Pro v5.0.
Thanks for your message, the upgrade cost is 50% of purchase price, if you wish upgrade to latest version, please email to us your original Order ID, we will send the upgrade web page to you shortly.
Our docPrint Pro product hasn't limitation on maximum number of rows during printing, you can print any length of HTML documents or other documents to PDF files without any problem.
Thanks for the response. Is there a listing of new features or improvements implemented in version 5.0?
Thanks for your message, we haven't a new features list for the docPrint Pro v5.0 at the moment, we will try to prepare a document in the future, we will let you know after this document is available.
Ok, if there is not a new feature listing for v5.0, let me ask the question another way. Why would we want to spend 50% of the original purchase price to upgrade to 5.0 -what does 5.0 fix / offer?
docPrint Pro v5.0 is support 64bit Windows systems, the old version doesn't support 64bit Windows system, if you wish use docPrint Pro on 64bit system, you have to upgrade to docPrint Pro v5.0, this is the important change in the docPrint Pro v5.0.