We bought … one license? two licenses? for HTMLtools, to run on our Windows2000 server. But now we're migrating to Windows2008 … and it won't run … it gives this error message …
And of course the buy-nag line on the output.
What to do? If there is an upgrade cost, please advise.
I think it has to do with permissions, but am not sure how to correct it …
HTMLTools will run from the Win2008 server, but the files that will be converted will be in various places on the WAN.
I do have supervisor rights, and can change this software's installation, if I need to.
(Also, I tried passing a URL to it, but found I had to map a drive letter instead … this works fine on the Win2000 server, but not on Win2k8 … so I have to figure out how to deal with that also).
Thanks very much for your time and help.
Please launch a CMD window by administrator privilege, run following command line to register it,
Regsvr32 htmlshell.dll
If you are using 64bit system, you need run 32bit version of regsvr32.exe application, for example,
C:\windows\syswow64\regsvr32.exe htmlshell.dll
Please notice, you need use administrator privilege to register it, if your CMD window hasn’t administrator privilege, you can’t register htmlshell.dll correctly.
Hmm ... I tried that ... and I am an admin. This is what I see. "Drive B" is the file location. I can read / write to that location.
I will look for the file htmlsdk.dll.
Thanks for your time / help.
Your CMD window seems not own the administrator privilege, please launch a CMD window with administrator privilege, run this command line in this new CMD window again, the “Can’t register htmlsdk.dll file properly” error message will disappear.
You can also download the latest version of htmltools.exe from our website to try again, this permission retriction problem has been solved in the latest version of htmltools.exe application,