I juste use your PDF Stamp command line 2.5, and I would like to write "©Copyright", but it doesn't work : it stamps "®Copyright".
Here is my command line : pdfstamp.exe -pdf "fra.pdf" -o "fra-stamp.pdf" -AT "©Copyright Company" -P9 -R45 -C#666666 -opacity50 -FN301 -FS50
Do you have any solution?
Thank you.
Best regards.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused to you, this is a limitation in the current version of PDF Stamp Command Line application, we will try to fix this problem in the next version of PDF Stamp Command Line product, we will let you know after new version is ready, thanks for your patience.
I have found a solution.
My cmd file is generated by a vbs script.
Before, my code was (exemple version) :
commandStamp = "pdfstamp.exe -pdf ""input.pdf"" -o ""output.pdf"" -AT """ & chr(169) & "Copyright Company"" -P9 -R45 -C#666666 -opacity50 -FN301 -FS50"
fileWrite "text.cmd", commandStamp
In fact, the ASCII code 169 is not known by cmd : we need to use the code 184.
So my code become :
commandStamp = "pdfstamp.exe -pdf ""input.pdf"" -o ""output.pdf"" -AT """ & chr(184) & "Copyright Company"" -P9 -R45 -C#666666 -opacity50 -FN301 -FS50"
fileWrite "text.cmd", commandStamp
Now it works.
Maybe this tips will help you.
Best regards.
Thanks for your great information, this tip will helpful for all of our other customers, thank you.