pdf2txt can not convert scanned PDF file to text file

Dear Sir/Madam,

        I am testing the product "pdf2txt".
        command line :c:\pdf2txt a.pdf a.txt –unicode -silent
        There is the casse I face, when the pdf file has image inside, company logo or signature icon and etc, the convert result error.
        I am not familiar with pdf2txt, is it available to ignore image, only convert the word to txt ?
        If not, do you have other solution for this case?
        Thank you for your attention.

Best Regards,
We have checked your PDF file, your PDF file contains only pictures, it hasn't any text information, you may use copy&paste functions in Acrobat Reader to confirm this issue, your PDF file is also not searchable, our PDF2TXT software is can only convert searchable PDF file to text file, it can't convert scanned PDF file to text file.

Please refer to No.4 item in FAQ list,


Additionally, you can download "PDF to Text OCR Converter Command Line" product from our website to try, "PDF to Text OCR Converter Command Line" can convert this scanned PDF file to text file properly,



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