I have a problem in batch output that at causes the pdfcamp printer revert to a “save” dialog, we are using pdfcamp v2.5 (x64) on a 64 bit windows server.
This problem is completely random, one run finish nicely the other ask on or more time’s where to save the file
the registry items that we set,
And in "C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\config.ini" file, I have set,
Please don't print more documents to PDFcamp Printer Driver at same time, if you print your documents to PDFcamp Printer Driver one by one, PDFcamp Printer Driver will not popup SaveAs dialog at all.
also, you can try to use VeryPDF DocConverter COM product, DocConverter COM does use a queue to control print jobs, if you are using DocConverter COM product, you can call Doc2PDFCommandLine() function to deliver the conversion job to doc2pdf_service.exe application, doc2pdf_service.exe application will control the all conversion jobs one by one automatically.