We have interest in the verypdf pcl converter.
I have installed this on a machine but we need the following functionality :
It needs to convert .spl files to PDF, when we do this manually in your program all goes well. But we would like to have this functionality automaticly.
All the .spl files are located in one folder. We have configured the ‘monitor a special directory’ to look for *.spl files, but this does not seem to work.
Also we would like to have the manual to create the PDF overlay, this could be very usefull for us.
Can you let me know if automatic converting to *.spl files is possible ?
Thanks for your message, you can run following command line to batch all of SPL files to PDF files at one time,
"C:\Program Files\VeryPDF PCL Converter v2.0\pcltool.exe" C:\test\*.spl C:\test\*.pdf
You can also copy following lines into a .bat file, run this .bat file to monitor C:\test folder, after you copied some SPL files to C:\test folder, these SPL files will be converted PDF files automatically,
for %%F in (C:\test\*.spl) do (
"C:\Program Files\VeryPDF PCL Converter v2.0\pcltool.exe" "%%F" "%~dpnF.pdf"
move "%%F" "%%F.bak"
ping -n 5 > nul
goto retry
Above .bat example will output the PDF files to the same folder of input SPL files. The following .bat example will place the output PDF files to D:\temp folder, of course, you can also choose any other folders that you want,
for %%F in (C:\test\*.spl) do (
"C:\Program Files\VeryPDF PCL Converter v2.0\pcltool.exe" "%%F" "D:\temp\%%~nF.pdf"
move "%%F" "%%F.bak"
ping -n 5 > nul
goto retry
If you wish stop the .bat file, you can simple press CTRL+C to break it.