Dear Support
I am having problems converting certain pdf’s into BMP’s.
I am on docprint pro v4 but have also tried v5.
The attached pdf is one that will not convert into a bmp.
I have tried both command line and direct use of the docprint pro software
The command line I used is
"C:\Program Files (x86)\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" -i q:\plots\198\198936.pdf -o "q:\plots\BMP\198936.BMP" -G -b 1 -r 100 -R 270
The result code I get is
Q:\Plots\198\198936.PDF ==> C:\Users\rich.SRE\Desktop\198936.bmp, Result Code = 0 Conversion time = 0.70s (702ms)
IT Manager
P.S If we already have v4 what is the cost for an upgrade to docprint pro v5
Thanks for your message, we will research this problem shortly. You can also open this PDF file in Adobe Reader, print it to docPrint PDF Driver, then you can save to a PDF file easily.
Also, you can download VeryDOC PDF to Image Converter from following web page to try, VeryDOC PDF to Image Converter can be used to convert your PDF file to BMP file properly,
for example, you can run following command line to convert your PDF file to BMP file,
pdf2img.exe D:\temp\198936.PDF D:\temp\198936.bmp
Thank you for your prompt response.
I have tried PDF2img.exe and it creates the BMP but I cannot see how to rotate the image during conversion?
Yes, Pdf2img.exe hasn't an option to rotate a BMP file, however, this is a minor feature, after you purchased PDF to Image Converter Command Line product, please email to us your Order ID, we will add a "-rotate" parameter to you free, you can use "-rotate" parameter to rotate converted BMP file easily, we hoping this offer will helpful to you.