Wrong chracters in TIFF image created by PDF to Image Converter


I use your component from more one year and it is work fine.

But since few days, I have some PDF that I will transform in jpeg. I call the pdf2image.dll with an ASP.Net (Visual Studio 2008) program like in your samples.

result = PDFToImageConverter (SourceName, DestName, UserPassword, OwnPassword, 200, 200, 24, COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX4, 70, FALSE, TRUE, -1, -1);

My code it's ok with a lot of pdf, but with this one all the characters are strange.

But when I use the pdf2img.exe in your sample it's work for the tiff format.

Could you help me?
The latest version of PDF2Image SDK does convert your PDF file to TIFF file without any problem, please download a converted TIFF file from following URL,


this TIFF file was created by latest version of PDF2Image SDK product, everything is fine in this TIFF file.

You can upgrade to latest version of PDF2Image SDK product to solve this problem completely, the upgrade cost is 50% of purchase price, if you wish upgrade to latest version, please email to us your original Order ID, we will send the upgrade web page to you shortly.

Thank for you response.

But I have still the same problem.

I have download the last version (1 Server License http://www.globalpdf.com/pdf2tif/pdf2image_sdk_trial.zip) on your site.
I have put the PdfConverterDotNet in Visual Studio 2008 and I run with the csharpconsole project and change the path to access files.
My jpeg or tiff have always the same problem.

But when I run the pdf2image.exe it's work fine.

I don't understand why it's not the same result ...

Thank for your help.
It is maybe caused the "current path" for the "encoding" folder, if you run the project in Visual Studio 2008, the EXE may not locate the "encoding" folder, so, you may compile your C# project into an EXE first, run this EXE as standalone application, your EXE and pdf2image.dll will able to load language files from "encoding" folder properly.

Just another precision.

I have try the pdf on my production server and it's work fine. Maybe it's a problem with the framework Visual Studio on my computer.
Thanks for your kindly information.


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