In this article,you will learn how to print html to pdf file with background color and images by the software PDFcamp Printer.
We know that the firefox is a powerful search engine,people always search information on it.When the information is useful,people may want to save the page as a pdf file to retain all the information on the page.But someone may find that sometimes there is no background color and images in the new created pdf file.To resolve this problem,the following steps will help you.
Step1.Find out the webpage you want to print from html to pdf file on firefox such as the picture bellow.
Step2.Click “file”—“page setup”,in “format&options”tab,you should check “print background(colors&images)”.Then click”OK”.
Step3.Click “file”—“print”or press “Ctrl”+”P”to print current html to pdf file.After select the printer as PDFcamp Printer,you can set parameter in properties.Then click “OK”.
Step4.Save and name the new pdf file.
At last,a new file will appear after printing html to pdf file by using PDFcamp Printer.