People use webding annotations in Microsoft Word document, now in VeryPDF PDF Editor you can also use them. There are 223 pictures about webding annotations, all of them are cartoon pictures. Next let’s recognize them.
Step 1: Open VeryPDF PDF Editor and add a PDF file to it.
Step 2: See the illustration below:
in the ten categories choose Webdings
This is the webding annotations window, in which you can select these pictures as annotations, next say the operation, it is below:
Double-click the picture, thus the the picture is added to the PDF file.
Next I give an example:
The size of the picture is changeable, click the picture, then the picture is enclosed, the illustration follows below:
put the cursor on the red point and left-click holded, then drag the picture
You can also edit it, double-click the picture, a textbox pops out where you can edit.
The textbox can be concealed when you close it, and double-click the picture again, it comes out, and its size can be altered through drag when you put the cursor on any edge of its four lines.