Adding watermarks on documents is one of the best ways to protect your documents from being copied by others . VeryPDF supports you to add watermarks on documents in docPrint preview application. In the preview application with docPrint software, you can also edit the added watermarks by changing the color of watermarks, changing the size of watermarks, etc. This article would like to take watermarks on a PDF file as an example, and show you how to change the color of watermarks on documents. Please read the following steps.
Please skip to step 4 , if you are in the Watermark Options dialog box and want to change the color of watermarks you have just added on the pages of your document.
Please start from step 1, if you want to change the color of the watermarks you added last time on your document.
Step 1: Open the document.
You can use the Adobe to open the PDF file here.
Step 2: Run docPrint
Press Ctrl+P to open the Print dialog box> select docPrint as the printer in the Print dialog box > press OK the Print dialog box to run the docPrint dialog box.
Step 3: Open the Option Settings dialog box
Usually, the Option Settings dialog box will appear on the computer screen as soon as you open the docPrint dialog box. In case you close the Option Settings dialog box during the process of editing something else, I’ll briefly introduce a way to open the Option Settings dialog box: You should click View > Show/Hide Options to open the Option Settings dialog box again.
Step 4 Open the Watermark Options dialog box
Click the button near the Watermark combo box to open the Watermark Options dialog box .
Step 5 Change the color of watermarks
Click the Font button in the Watermark Options dialog box to open the Font dialog box> click the arrow on the Color combo box> select the proper color as the color of the watermark.>click OK to close the Font dialog box and the Watermark Options dialog box.
Now you have successful changed the color of watermarks on your PDF file. The following two figures illustrate the effect of the change from the original red watermarks to the blue watermarks:
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