In PDF To Image Converter v2.1, users could convert Swahili pdf to ras very easily, PDF To Image Converter v2.1 support many kinds of languages for converting pdf to image, you could check this link to know more: And here is the illustration below:
1. Open your Swahili pdf in PDF To Image Converter v2.1: click the little yellow icon with using your mouse, then a pop window will be out, choose your Swahili pdf file there, and click “open” button , your Swahili pdf file will be shown in PDF To Image Converter v2.1. Use the icons except the little printer icon (which is used for printing your pdf file) to review your Swahili pdf in detail.
2. Add your Swahili pdf in PDF To Image Converter v2.1: click “Add” button and choose your pdf in the pop window with double-clicking it, then your Swahili pdf route will be in the table of “Batch process”. Click your pdf route in order to activate “Remove” button, which is used for deleting single pdf route after clicking your pdf route, other than removing all of pdf routes one time with using “Remove all” button.
3. You need to prepare a format and a folder for your Swahili pdf: click the edit-box of “File type”, choose RAS in the dragging menu, it is your objective format from the converting pdf to ras; click the edit-box of “Destination folder”, there will be a window pop out, select a folder there, then click “ok”, it will be your target folder for your Swahili ras.
4. If you would like your Swahili ras more clear, please concentrate on the functional field named DPI. You may ask what is DPI? here you will know it in general.
DPI is a representative for resolution of raster digital images or videos etc..The term resolution is often used for a dots count in digital imaging, the higher resolution means more image detail in the same dimension. So likely, DPI is the same as resolution, that means that higher DPI could lead to higher quality in raster images. DPI make an effect especially on the clearness, size and dimension.
And RAS is a raster image format, so here we improve the quality of your Swahili ras through changing DPI: click the edit-boxes of DPI, input larger values there, with the increasing of size and dimension of your Swahili ras, we can get a more clear Swahili ras by the way of this set up. Here we type 226 into them.
5. Process this task of convering pdf to ras in this converter: click “Convert” button, a few seconds later, the production of your Swahili ras is finished.