If you need to create a form and there is no MS Office in your computer, you can download a software named Open Office.org which is free and for word processing,spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, and databases.Open Office is available for a number of different computer operating systems.So it can meet your different kinds of need.Creating a form with Open Office may be not enough for you,you may want to update it to the internet and share it with your boss or your colleagues.So it’s necessary to make it uncorrected and unmodified.So now you may need PDFcamp Printer to help you.
1.You should make sure there is PDFcamp Printer and Open Office.org in your computer.Run Open Office.org and click Spreadsheet to create a new form.
2.In a file,you may need to create several sheets just like sheet1,sheet2 or more.You may want to convert one sheet to one pdf file or several sheets to one pdf file and PDFcamp Printer will help you to realize your will.
(1).One sheet to one pdf file.
Click any sheet you want to convert to pdf file just like sheet1 and click “file”—“print” or use the hot key “Ctrl”+”P”,then set parameter in properties such as page setup,compression,doc info,font embedding.Then click “OK”and select a location to save the new file.
(2).Many sheets to one pdf file.
Press “Ctrl”button and click the sheets you want to convert with your mouse till the sheets turn to white.
For example,I want to convert sheet1,sheet2 to one pdf file.After clicking “file”—“print”,you can see the all the pages in preview frame.Then all the work will be the same as the last condition.
3.You can set a parameter in properties named “Save as”,if you want to view your pdf file at once after converting,you can check “View after creation”.I used to check it because it is more convenient and direct to see whether there are any mistakes in the new file.
By the help of PDFcamp Printer,the work is more easier and time saving.