Before you print your documents on paper or other material by machine, you can preview the effect of print on your compute. It is also the last chance for you to edit your documents like move, delete and add pages in VeryPDF docPrint preview application before you sent the documents to a printer. VeryPDF docPrint is a useful desktop tool which is not only a ducument converter, but also a Windows printer driver. As a printer driver, it supports Universal print preview with editing capability including add blank pages, delete pages, and re-sequence jobs. Before we start, make sure your docPrint software application is the newest version. If you want to upgrade your docPrint, please visit the formal website of VeryPDF. com at
This article would take a PDF file with four pages as an example to show you how to move, delete and add pages in docPrint preview application. The following screen shot shows you the source PDF file has four pages.
Assuming we are now previewing the pages in VeryPDF docPrint, click View on the tool bar>choose , and you can view all the four pages on one sheet. Then, let me show you how to move, delete and add pages.
1 Move pages
To move page 3 to be the second page, for instance, you can do as follows:
Select page 3>Right click with the mouse on page 3>choose Move To Previous Page on the drop down menu
Then, page 3 moves to the previous page.
2 Add pages
In order to add a page before the first page, you can
Select page 1>Right click with the mouse on page 1>choose Insert bland page before this Page on the drop down menu
Then there appears a blank page before the original page 1.
3 Delete pages
In order to delete pages like the blank page and the last page , you can
Select one page you want to delete. For instance the blank page>Right click with the mouse on one of this pages>choose Delete This Page on the drop down menu
Repeat these steps to delete the last page. Then as you can see, there left only three pages on the sheet as illustrated as following