VeryPDF PDFPrint is a command line tool used for calling the system printers and then printing pdf documents. There are some articles about its command line options here and here. In this article, the author will present some examples of using other options for scaling the page size when printing a pdf document.
You can acquire the package of PDFPrint with the url and unzip it into a directory of your Microsoft Windows computer. The author has unpacked it to the path of “D:\” and set the current directory of the MS-DOS command prompt window to “D:\pdfprint_cmd\”. The following commands are all used within the runtime condition above.
A basic command of using PDFPrint is
This command is using the default system printer to print the pdf document “readme.pdf”. The following commands are for rescaling the page sizes using options “-scalex” and “-scaley” in the printing process.
The options for scaling, “-scalex” and “-scaley”, must be used in pairs, which have three types of arguments of integer number. Arguments of number from 1 to 100 set the scaling percentages of PDF pages, of which 100 will not rescale the PDF pages (argument number larger than 100 will magnify the printing page). The argument of value “0” will stretch or shrink the scale of the page to fit the target paper size. Argument of “-1” will rescale both the height and width keeping the height-width-ratio fixed to the original ratio. Note that the argument “0” or “-1” can not be used together with the argument of number larger than 0, otherwise, either of the two options will be ignored by the program. Here are some examples of using the two options, “-scalex” and “-scaley”. Meanwhile, the arguments of “0” and “-1” can not be used together in one command line, either.
pdfprint –scalex 100 –scaley 100 readme.pdf <Enter>,
this will print the pdf document with the default system printer using the original (100%) page size of the document.
pdfprint –scalex 90 –scaley 100 readme.pdf <Enter>,
this will rescale the width of the page to 90% of the original size and keep the size of height unchanged (100%) when printing the document of “readme.pdf”.
pdfprint –scalex 90 –scaley 80 readme.pdf <Enter>,
this command line resizes the height of the page to 80% of the original size and resize the width to 90% when printing the pdf document, “readme.pdf”.
pdfprint –scalex 0 –scaley 0 readme.pdf <Enter>,
these commands will rescale both the page height and width of the pdf document to fit the paper size when printing the document.
pdfprint –scalex -1 –scaley -1 readme.pdf <Enter>,
this command line stretch or shrink both the height and width with the height-width-ratio equal to the original ratio.
The article just presented two command options supported by PDFPrint, and here are all the supported command options,
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