htmltools.exe does convert HTML file to images in PDF file

Using the HTML to PDF command line htmltools.exe on 9/6 produced a text based PDF, but as of 9/7 it was coming out as a somewhat blurry image PDF. I downloaded v2.6 and it did not fix the issue.  Any word on what would cause this and a fix?  We currently use v2.1 but I downloaded and tried v2.6 with the same results.
Can you please email to us your Order ID and sample HTML+image files in question? After we reproduced your problem in our system, we will figure out a solution to you asap.

Command line parameters:

htmltools.exe -nocenter -noempty -margin 36x36x36x36 -height 792 -emfheight 792 Input_File.html Output_File.pdf

I did try a conversion without any parameters (aside from the filenames) and had similar results.

I see that you posted a reply to my question on the knowledgebase website, but that you were asking about image resolutions.  I just want to clarify that the problem is not with any images in the file (there aren't any).  The problem is that the pdf being created is basically just an image of the HTML file rather than a text pdf that I can select text and copy/paste.  Also, the pdf size is much larger this way, and somewhat blurry.  As I mentioned, the text pdf was being generated on and before 9/6/2011, but the very next day and since it has been an image pdf of the original file.  Nothing changed in our code or the way we call htmltools.  I do see that an update for Internet Explorer 9 was released the night of 9/6.

We've reverted to IE 8 on a test machine and the results are a text pdf.  Any idea when a compatible version of htmltools for IE 9 will be available?  Is there currently a workaround for this problem?
You can run following command line to convert your HTML file to PDF file properly, you need use administrator privilege to run following command line,

htmltools.exe -html2pdf2 D:\temp\Input_File.htm D:\temp\Input_File.pdf


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