Kind support of VeryPdf,
I recently purchased “PDF Stamp Command Line Ver. 2.5”.
If matted print a pdf with watermark opacity printing is not successful.
Printing is dirty.
There is an error on the program or I mistake something?
My command line:
pdfstamp.exe -REG XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -PDF “namefile.pdf” -AT "WATERMARK TEXT" -FT "Arial" -P9 -FS300 -opacity20 -R45 -C#FF0000
I have tried your command line in my system, everything is fine,
pdfstamp.exe -REG XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -PDF D:\temp\Input_File.pdf -o D:\temp\out.pdf -AT "WATERMARK TEXT" -FT "Arial" -P9 -FS300 -opacity20 -R45 -C#FF0000
we suggest you may download the latest version of pdfstamp command line from our website to try again,
Thanks for your prompt response.
Unfortunately the problem persists.
After several attempts I realized that the problem occurs in connection with the resolution of the pdf file.
I attach a “rar” file containing two batch file and two PDF files (created on the fly just for the example) identical but with different resolution 200 dpi and 300 dpi.
You try my command line (“bat” file) in your system…
The opacity watermark on the pdf file with 300 dpi is displayed and printed well (OK)
The opacity watermark on the pdf file with 200 dpi displays fine but the printing is dirty. the background of the watermark is not transparent.
Unfortunately, almost all of my pdf files a resolution of 200 dpi.
There is a solution to the problem?
Thanks again.
Thanks for your message, we have created a test package to you, please download new test package from following URL,
The watermarks with opacity are look fine in stamped PDF files,
pdfstamp.exe -REG XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -PDF Test300Dpi.pdf -o W_Test300Dpi.pdf -AT "WATERMARK TEXT\nWATERMARK TEXT" -FT "Times-Bold" -P9 -FS500 -opacity50 -R45 -C#FF0000 -AT "12345678" -p3 -mlr-60 -mtb60 -fs100 -ft "Arial" -C#000000 -encrypt -ownerpwd=12345 -keylen=2 -encryption=8
pdfstamp.exe -REG XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -PDF Test200Dpi.pdf -o W_Test200Dpi.pdf -AT "WATERMARK TEXT\nWATERMARK TEXT" -FT "Times-Bold" -P9 -FS400 -opacity50 -R45 -C#FF0000 -AT "12345678" -p3 -mlr-60 -mtb60 -fs80 -ft "Arial" -C#000000 -encrypt -ownerpwd=12345 -keylen=2 -encryption=8
Also, your printing problem is not caused by our PDFStamp Command Line product, it is caused by Adobe Reader, you can use our PDFPrint Command Line application to print the PDF file, PDFPrint Command Line application does print pdf watermark Opacity without any problem, PDFPrint Command Line can be downloaded from following web page,
you can run following command line to print the PDF file with opacity watermark,
pdfprint.exe -raster2 W_Test200Dpi.pdf
pdfprint.exe -raster2 W_Test300Dpi.pdf