You are fond of reading pdf files, so you might know how to center one page or pages of your files. But have you mastered how to center the odd number pages of you pdf files. If you are busy dealing with them everyday, you deserve to know it. Here through this article, you can master this skill to finish this operation very swiftly.
Follow this link you will obtain this useful helper In order to execute this function, you are bound to launch the MS-DOS command prompt window, steps are as follows:
Click “start”>choose “Run”>input “cmd”>click“ok”, you will get the following box
It’s time to input the command line to center odd number pages, the command line goes that
pdftools -i "C:\input.pdf" -o "C:\output.pdf" -u "1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15"
If you pdf files are of long volume, you can not input infinitely, you can just input –u “odd”
Through this screenshot, you can testify that this function is valid.
More wonderful experiences on how to edit pdf files by using Advanced PDF Tools Command Line will be found at