Edit pdf page content size using command line

It is easy to master how to edit pdf page content and how to edit page size with the help of Advanced PDF Tools Command Line. So how about editing pdf page content size, that’s to say mix editing page content and size together to achieve sound effect, you may feel confused because of its complexity, you should not have worried about this, because Advanced PDF Tools Command Line already have considered before you, the method is still simple, you are allowed to combine command lines to accomplish your “onerous” task. Go for testing!

Step 1 click the following link to download Advanced PDF Tools


please unpack it when download is finished.

Step 2 launch the MS-DOS command prompt window. Because the command line is bound to be operated under the MS-DOS environment. The procedure is easy, and the following pictures will guide you.

1) click “start” and then go to “Run”


2) input cmd into the following


3) press “ok”, you will find MS-DOS command prompt window popping up


Step 3 input command lines to edit pdf page content size

  1. edit page size---pdftools -i "C:\input.pdf" -o "C:\output.pdf" -x "llx lly urx ury"

where the parameter "llx lly urx ury" is a form of rectangles, which is described in remark one

2.  edit page content---pdftools -i "C:\input.pdf" -o "C:\output.pdf" -j "60% 70% true"

where the first parameter means to set page content to 60% of the page width and the second parameter to 70% of the page height, and the third parameter is a Boolean type value to set whether to center on page. 

Remark One: Rectangle Description
Rectangles are used to describe locations on a page and bounding boxes for a variety of objects, such as fonts. A rectangle is written as an array of four numbers giving the coordinates of a pair of diagonally opposite corners. Typically, the array takes the form [llx lly urx ury] specifying the lower-left x, lower-left y, upper-right x, and upper-right y coordinates of the rectangle, in that order. The other two corners of the rectangle are
then assumed to have coordinates (llx, ury) and (urx, lly).

Remark Two:
Usually there are three size unit such as point (pt), inch (in), millimeter (mm). Point size can be converted to inch like point/72=inch, and point to millimeter like point/72*25.4=millimeter. For example, the 595.5pt can be 8.27in or 210.06mm by calculating as:

Remark Three: if urx (Width) or ury (Height) equal zero, the value of urx (Width) or ury (Height)  will be calculated automatically, maintain their original aspect ratio,
pdftools.exe -i C:\in.pdf -o C:\out.pdf -x "0 0 612 792" -j "612 792 true"
pdftools.exe -i C:\in.pdf -o C:\out.pdf -x "0 0 612 0" -j "612 0 true"       //ury (Height) will be calculated automatically
pdftools.exe -i C:\in.pdf -o C:\out.pdf -x "0 0 0 792" -j "0 792 true"       //urx (Width) will be calculated automatically

so combine them , they can be written as follow

pdftools -i "C:\input.pdf" -o "C:\output.pdf" -x "0 0 595.5 842.25"  -j "595.5 842.25 true"    

once you finish your input, press “enter” key, and you will see


Step 4 open the file to check the result, to demonstrate perfect sound, the VeryPDF.com makes a comparison below


                                                          Picture (1) 


                                                 Picture (2)

The picture (1) shows the pdf page content size before editing while picture (2) after editing.

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