One of very important difference between TIFF and other image file formats is that TIFF supports multiple images in a single file. Then the nick name of tiff is called 'multi-page' TIFF. Thus, the TIFF format is very well suited to store the many pages of a single fax in a single file. However, TIFF has drawback: it lacks standardized support for advanced imaging features that were developed over the last couple of years. For instance, there is no standardized way to specify multi-layer relationships of different TIFF pages. Neither is there a standardized tag for vector or text drawings. So when we want to upload the tiff file, it will be a little difficult.If we convert the tiff file to PDF file, the situation will be different.
If you have the same confusion, please read this article and use this software. Image2PDF command line.
- Downloading it here:
- Start the DOS command line window by clicking “Start” then go to “run” and input the “cmd” in the blanks, by clicking “OK” to finish opening.
- Then you will enter the usage interface.
- Run the Img2PDF command from the command line window ,Img2PDF software can be found in your Image2PDF command line uncompress directory. You can run this software by draging it to command line window or input the detail location.
- As the usage of this software is Img2PDF [options] <-o output> <images>, please input “-o filepath\ file name image”, then press enter you will see the PDF file show up according to the filepath. As the picture shows that we have converted the tiff file to PDF one within one second.
- You will save a lot of time if you convert your tiff file to PDF one by Image2PDF command line