This article aims at showing the details about how to convert files of AutoCAD to wmf. The converting tool is docPrint Document Converter Professional which is a powerful document converter with three available applications—GUI application, command line application and virtual printer. The three applications can realize their functions respectively, but more or less the same. They are all document converter. For example, the virtual printer docPrint can save ink, paper and time by controlling printed output, it supports print 2, 4, 6, 8 or 16 pages on a single sheet of paper, it also supports scale A0, A1, A2, A3 papers to standard Letter or A4 paper sizes.
To free download docPrint Document Converter Professional, also called docPrint Pro, you can click on the link You can install docPrint Pro with no user manual because the steps are easy enough. In this article, you will see the method of converting AutoCAD to wmf with the virtual printer of docPrint Pro—docPrint.
In the end of the installation, you will be reminded about whether to set docPrint as the default printer. “Yes” is recommended because you will find your conversion work will be more convenient with the default printer. You don’t need to do some useless operations, which will waste much time.
But if you don’t set docPrint as the default printer,in the first step, you should open the dwg file in AutoCAD and click “File”—“Plot” to run the printer driver in your computer. In popup “Plot- Model” dialog box, you can choose “docPrint” in “Name” combo box of the “Printer/Plotter” group box and click “OK” button. Please see Figure1.
Or you can right click the dwg file and choose “Print” option to run docPrint instead of opening the dwg file, which will skip the “Plot-Model” dialog box.
In the second step, you will see the dialog box “docPrint” showed in Figure2, in which you should try to open “Save As” dialog box. The methods are as follows:
- Click “File” and click “Save as” in dropdown list.
- Click the icon in the toolbar.
- Press “Ctrl”+ “S” , which is the hot key used by many people usually.
In the last step, you will see a new dialog box called “Save As” , in which you can do some following operations,Please see Figure2.
1. You can save the target file in some suitable location of your computer by choosing the directory in “Save in” combo box.
2. Please type the file name of the target file in “File name” edit box, such as “TEST”.
3. Specify the output format for the target file in “Save as type” combo box. If you want to convert AutocCAD to wmf, you should choose “WMF File(*.WMF)” format.
4. Then click “Save” button to save all the changes and the target file.
Then a green progress bar will show you the progress of the conversion of AutoCAD to wmf. In no more than 10 seconds, you will get your target file in specified location. If you want to learn more functions about docPrint, you can download docPrint Pro and try it yourself. After all, practice is a good teacher.