Tiff is short for Tagged Image File Format.The tiff format was originally developed by Aldus, who merged with Adobe Systems in 1994. Tiff is a graphics container that can store both raster and vector images. Tiff may contain high-quality graphics that support color depths from 1 to 24-bit. Tiff format supports both lossy and lossless compression, also supports multiple layers and pages. Tiff files were designed to be a standard image format for saving high-quality color images on multiple computer platforms, which are most often seen with the .tif extension.
Here are the details on converting pdf to clearer tiff in PDF To Image Converter v2.1.
1. Click the open button of toolbar in preview panel>a dialog box is popped out>double-click your pdf file, then it is shown as a page in the converter, then you could use the tool buttons of toolbar to check on your pdf file in preview panel.
2. Click “Add” button of batch process panel>another dialog box is popped out>double-click your pdf file there, then it could be shown as a route in batch process form. Then click this route> “Remove” button could be active>click it to delete this route if you would like to change another pdf to be converted, and repeat step1 and step2.
3. Choose your objective format and folder for your image: click the edit-box of “File type”>a dragging list is popup>click TIF, which is your targeting file type; click “Browse” button>get a dialog box>click a folder>click “ok”, then this folder could be shown as a route in the edit-box of “Destination folder”.
4. Click the edit-box of each DPI>type a larger number into them, which is the point of converting pdf to clearer tiff, also you could set another value according to your need. The greater DPI is, the clearer your tiff image is, along with the bigger size and dimension. This time, we input 289. Here we need to be familiar with DPI. DPI is short for dots per inch, which is also a representative of resolution of raster images, which means that the greater DPI is, the larger resolution is, the clearer raster image is, the size and dimension your raster image is. For DPI is commonly used in some output, this rule also work on printers and scanners.
5. If you want to get a multiple page tiff file, just click the check-box of “Multiple page”, and if you do not need a multiple page tiff file, just leave it alone. Here we check it as an example.
6. Click “Convert” button>pdf file could be processed>close PDF To Image Converter v2.1 by clicking “Exit” button. Your task on converting pdf to clearer tiff is done.