By converting all the image files to an appointed folder, we can save the step to choose the folder after setting. Meanwhile we can find all the converted image file in an folder then we will not leave someone out. Then we can save all the image to searchable PDF in a folder.
Then I will show you how to convert all the image files to an appointed folder by Image2PDF OCR.
1.Know more about Image2PDF OCR.
Image2PDF OCR is the very important element to finish the task, so we should read the introduction and manual carefully. It has many other features such as create text-searchable PDF image + text format with compressed hidden text layer and make searchable PDF files with OCR technology. The more we know about it, the more functions we can use it. If you want to know more, please visit its homepage:
2. Add the image files you want to be converted to Image2PDF OCR.
When you download Image2PDF OCR successfully, the icon of this software will show up on the desktop, double click it then you will enter the interface of Image2PDF OCR. Adding the files you want to be converted to the blanks or you can click the button “Add files” to add files. I will take a image file for example to show you how to convert the image to searchable PDF.
3.Edit property of PDF file.
As you want to make all the converted PDF file in a appointed folder, please make it by clicking “Setting” then go to save mode label, you will find the corresponding item. Click “Browse” to choose the folder you want to keep the converted file. If you want add other information for your PDF file, please edit property at other menu label. Say you can add bookmark, title or password for the PDF file and so on so forth.
4. Finish the conversion.
If you do not want to add other limitations for your PDF file, please click “Make PDF” to end the conversion. A few seconds later, you will find the searchable PDF file in the appointed folder. Through editing property by Image2PDF OCR, you can make the image to searchable PDF.