If you want to know how to print docx to png, first we need to know what png is. Png is short for Portable Network Graphic, like a GIF file, contains a bitmap of indexed colors under a lossless compression, but without copyright limitations; commonly used to store graphics for Web images. png images cannot be animated like GIF images. Right now png images are supported by most Web browsers.
The docPrint Document Converter Professional has three applications: The GUI Version, the command line Version and the virtual printers. We can print docx to png with the help of the docPrint PDF Driver. It is one of the virtual printers. Clicking this link: https://www.verypdf.com/artprint/document-converter/help.htm and you can read it introduction. Enter into this link:
https://www.verypdf.com/artprint/docprint_pro_setup.exe download it.
First: Open and print
- Open a docx file; click “File”;
- Find “print”, click it. You can also use hot key “ctrl+p”
- Choose “docPrint PDF Driver”, click “print”
(Picture 1)
Second: Choose and save
- After you click “print”, wait for a moment, a dialogue box “Save As” will popup
- Choose the suitable location for saving the target file in the “Save in” combo box.
- Input file name in the “File name” combo box
- Select the file type “PNG” in the “Save as type”
- Click “save”
(Picture 2)
Third: Check out and compare
- You can open the target file by using the Irfan View
- Compare the original and after printing file
- You will cushily find that we had printed docx to png by using the docPrint PDF Driver.
You see the interface is clear and the operation is simple. I think that after reading my article, you can make it by yourself. The same procedures to print docx to eps . In additional, there is a basic version of the docPrint Pro. It has the same functions as the docPrint PDF Driver. The price is very low. Download it through this link: www.verypdf.com/artprint/docprint_setup.exe, turn into this website: https://www.verypdf.com/order_docprint.html , you can purchase it.