There are two Figures below,one is a wmf format,the other one is a pdf file after rotating the page when converting the image of wmf to pdf file.
Figure1.WMF format file
Figure2.PDF format file
Maybe you want to ask how to fulfill this amazing task.In this article,you will learn how to rotate the page when converting wmf to pdf file.First you should know something about the tool,also the software used in the conversion,which is called HTML Converter Command Line.
HTML Converter Command Line is a powerful HTML conversion software. It allows you to create previews or thumbnails of web pages in a number of different formats, such as TIF, TIFF, JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, PCX, TGA, JP2 (JPEG2000), PNM, etc. HTML Converter Command Line also allows you to convert web pages to PDF, PS (postscript), WMF, EMF vector formats.You need to download the software at and the software needs to be unzipped into the computer.There are more introduction about HTML Converter Command Line at and you can click the link to read the user manual of HTML Converter Command Line.
The following part are the details to rotate the page when converting wmf to pdf.
1.Run cmd.exe by clicking “start” –“run” and input “cmd” in “open” edit box in “Run” dialog box.Please see Figure3 and Figure4.
2.In cmd.exe dialog box you should input command line which controls the whole conversion.The command line is supposed of called program,parameter,source file and target file.
htmltools.exe –rotate value “input.wmf” output.pdf
In the command line,you can define the target file or not.Because htmltools.exe will convert source file to pdf file by default even there is no information about the target file in the command line at all.
htmltools.exe is the called program which can be seen in the installation folder after you install HTML Converter Command Line in your computer.
–rotate value is the parameter about rotating page.The value stands for the rotation angle which can be set as 90,180 and 270.
“input.wmf” is the source file in your computer.
output.pdf is the target file which should be set by yourself or not.
Please see Figure5 and you will understand the command line above better.
"C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Local Settings\Temp\htmltools\htmltools.exe" -rotate 90 "C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\New Folder (2)\AN00853_.WMF" 02.pdf
"C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Local Settings\Temp\htmltools\htmltools.exe" is the path of htmltools.exe.If you don’t like to input the path,you can drag the file into cmd.exe dialog box and the file will turn to path itself accurately.
-rotate 90 is the rotation angle of source file.
"C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\New Folder (2)\AN00853_.WMF" is the path of source file which can be dragged,too.
02.pdf is the name of target file.
3.Please find the target file in current directory and you can see Figure6.