This is a very easy task if you choose VeryPDF HTML Converter to help you.HTML Converter is a converting software of VeryPDF and there are two kinds of VeryPDF HTML Converter software, one is a graphical user interface (GUI) application and the other is a command-line application. It depends on your needs to select which kind to use.The download website of GUI application is while the command line application is at Most of users are probably accustomed to editing images one at a time with a GUI with such programs as gimp or Photoshop. But in this article,you will see how to rotate the page when converting wmf to ps format file in the command line application--HTML Converter Command Line.
HTML Converter Command Line is a powerful enough to allow you to create previews or thumbnails of web pages in a number of different formats, such as TIF, TIFF, JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, PCX, TGA, JP2 (JPEG2000), PNM, etc. HTML Converter Command Line also allows you to convert web pages to PDF, PS (postscript), WMF, EMF vector formats.
In the following contents,there are three steps to explain the details of rotating the page when converting wmf to ps.
Step1.Run cmd.exe program
There are two method to run cmd.exe program.
Method1.Click start menu and click “run” in the menu to open “Run” dialog box.Then input “cmd” in “open” edit box and click “OK” button.
Method2.Use the quick way—the hot key “Windows”+ “R” combination to help you.
Step2.Input command line
The command line contains called program,parameter,source file and target file.
The called program is the executable file in software HTML Converter Command Line—htmltools.exe which can be seen in the installation folder when you unzip and install HTML Converter Command Line in your computer.The parameter is the setting about rotating the page.You can use the DOS command –rotate value to realize and the value can be set as 90,180 and 270.The source file is the one you want to convert while the target file is the final file which you want to get.The following command line structure is the basic one for your reference.
htmltools.exe –rotate value “input.wmf”
There is an example command line in the conversion of wmf to ps to explain the basic structure above.
"C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Local Settings\Temp\htmltools\htmltools.exe" -rotate 90 "C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\wmf\AN00932_.WMF" “C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\New”
"C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Local Settings\Temp\htmltools\htmltools.exe" is the path of htmltools.exe.To save your time,you can drag the file into cmd.exe dialog box directly.
-rotate 90 is the rotation angle of the page.
"C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\wmf\AN00932_.WMF" stands for the path of source file which can be dragged into cmd.exe dialog box,too.
“C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\New” is the path and name of target file.You should set the path and name yourself.
After inputting command line you should click “Enter” on your keyboard to run the conversion of wmf to ps.Maybe in a few seconds,the conversion will be over.
Step3.Find the target file
The target file will be saved in the location which you have specified in the command line and you should remember it to find the target file quickly.
If you want to know more about HTML Converter Command Line,please visit