VeryPDF HTML Converter Command Line is a very useful document converter which can help you set color depth when converting HTML to GIF. You can download VeryPDF HTML Converter Command Line at the following website:
On the computer screen, an image can be divided into millions and billions of pixels, which can be represented by bits. The color depth is the number of bits a single pixel in an image. Color depth can range from 1 bit (21 colors) to 32 bits (232 colors). As the color depth becomes higher, the image becomes more exquisite and colorful. For instance, when the color depth is 1 bit, there are only two colors in the image, which is black and white. When the color depth is 24 bits, the image is capable of storing 224 colors. 24 bits color is referred to as "millions of colors” or "true color". Under most circumstance, 24 bits color depth is enough for describing an image.
The command for color depth setting is -bitcount <int>, which you are bound to put in the command line. This command allows three parameter values: 1, 8, and 24. This article will take three steps to introduce a method to set color depth and convert HTML to GIF via one command line.
1. Run the command prompt window
The following is the most popular way to open the command prompt window. You should click “Start” in the left down corner of the desktop; > click “Run” on the home menu; > enter “cmd” in the “Run” dialog box that pops out;>click on “OK” in the “Run” dialog box. Then the black and white command prompt window will appear on the computer screen.
2. Enter a command line
The command line should consist of four factors as illustrated in the following mode:
htmltools -bitcount <int> <EMF file> <GIF file>
The four factors are three file and the command for color setting:
- htmltools ---- the executable file, which refers to htmltools.exe placed in the folder htmltools by default after the install file is decompressed.
- -bitcount <int> ----the command which can be used to set color depth. The angle brackets enclose the essential content, which is int here. int means integer, so the number following -bitcount must be an integer. For this command, it allows three parameter values: 1, 8 and 24. As the color depth comes to be higher, the number of colors in the image increases.
- <EMF file> ---- input file in EMF format
- <GIF file> ---- output file in GIF format
When enter a command line in the command prompt window, you should bear in mind that bare names seldom appear in the command prompt window. The whole directories of the files are required to occur in the command prompt window. The following illustration can help you get this point.
D:\htmltools\htmltools.exe -bitcount 8 D:\in\peony.emf C:\out\peony.gif
- D:\htmltools\htmltools.exe is the directory of the executable file htmltools.exe. The directory shows that the folder containing the executable file is on disc D. You can change the directory, according to your needs.
- -bitcount 8 is the command specifying 8-bit as the color depth for the output GIF file. 8 can be replaced by 24 or 1, depending on your requirements.
- D:\in\peony.emf denotes to the directory of the input EMF file, leading the computer to find the input file peony in the folder in on disk D. Again, it can be replaced, according to the file you select.
- C:\out\peony.gif represents the directory of the output file, showing that the output format must be GIF, the name should be peony, and it should be placed in the folder out on disk C.
3. Press “Enter”
Press the “Enter” key, and the software application can convert HTML to GIF in a wink. You can view the effect of the output files right away. The images below are the original EMF file, and the files converted from HTML to GIF in different color depth.
The original EMF file
1-bit GIF file
8-bit GIF file
24-bit GIF file