How to specify and print PDF pages via a command line?

PDFPrint Command Line supports command line operation; it can be easily embedded into your applications and print PDF files quickly. VeryPDF PDFPrint Command Line supports page range selection. You can free downoad the PDFPrint Command Line from .

In order to specify and print PDF pages via a command line, you should follow the steps below:

1. Run the command prompt. The following four steps may be helpful: click [Start] at the left down corner on the computer screen; > click [Run] to open the [Run] dialog box; > enter [cmd] in the [Open] edit box; > click [OK] to close the [Run] dialog box. A black and white window will open on the computer screen.


2. Enter a command line in the following mode:

pdfprint.exe [options] [Options] <PDF documents>

For example, if I need to print a page range from page 2 to page 3 within a PDF file named [c5.pdf], I will enter the following command lines in the command prompt:

D:\pdfprint_cmd\pdfprint.exe -firstpage 2 -lastpage 3 D:\c5.pdf

This command line is combined by four parts, which means I need to enter it in four steps:

First, enter the directory of the executable file:


I have store the folder named [pdfprint_cmd], which contains the executable file [pdfprint.exe], on disk c; so [D:\pdfprint_cmd\pdfprint.exe] is the first command line I enter in the command prompt. If your PDF file is stored in a different directory, you should enter its directory instead of the red command line I would enter.

Second, leave a space and enter the following command line:

-firstpage 2

[-firstpage] is the command for you to specify the first page of the page range you selected from the PDF file; and [2] is parameter which stands for the first page number. If you want to print from page 20 to page 50, you should enter [-firstpage 30] instead of [-firstpage 2].

Third, leave a space, and enter the command line below:

-lastpage 3

[-lastpage] is the command specifing the last page of the page range you selected from the PDF file; and [3] is parameter which stands for the last page number. If you want to print from page 20 to page 30, you should enter [-lastpage 50] instead of [-lastpage 3].

Fourth, leave a space, and enter the directory of the PDF file:


Because I have store the PDF file called [c5.pdf] on disk D, I need to enter the above directory. You can enter the directory of your PDF file instead of this directory.

The following is the command line prompt with command lines:


3. Press [Enter] on the keyboard, the computer will send the part of PDF files to the accessible printer immediately.

If you want to get more information of the command line, please visit the following website: .

Please feel free to ask any question, if there is any problem you can solve by leaving a message on the blog. Thank for reading. I hope this article is helpful.

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