Today my topic is how to make pdf files opened in two column left view by using the Advanced PDF Tools.The function can explain to that,make pdf files opened in two column and make the odd number page showed in the left.Before this topic ,I also tell you how to make pdf files opened in continuous-facing and how to make pdf files opened in continuous view and so on.For those demonstration,we can easily find that the Advanced PDF Tools is a user-friendly software,which can adjust itself to adopt the modern office workers.In consideration of understanding easily for user,I will combine screenshots with words.
The first step,you need to double click the icon of the Advanced PDF Tools if you have not ,please go to this website download it ,a good new is that you can use the trial version,it is free.And then let this software run .When this software is opening, you need to drag your PDF file into this program.Later you will enter into the application interface.You can see the label pages like(Summary/Open actions/pages/Optimize/Image/Metadata/Custom fields/About),please click the label page”Open action” .You can see the option boxes like (start page number/Magnification/Page layout) .You need to find “Page layout ”,the matched option box default property is “Not change” ,but you need to choose the “Two column left” .Because this action can make pdf files opened in two column left view. It can let this function come true. Then save the change.Please look at picture 1.
(picture 1)
The second step,you should open the changed pdf file, then you will find the change,we had made pdf files opened in two column left view by using the Advanced PDF Tools.I also give you screenshots (picture 2 and picture 3) and compare to them.Here please look at picture 2 and picture 3,it is very obvious. When you compare to them ,after the change you will find that the pdf files opened in two column left view.
Obviously, it is very easy to operate it,according to the picture 2 and picture 3,you can easily find the effect of the Advanced PDF Tools,if you want to know more about how to make pdf files opened in continuous-facing ,you can refer to its hompage and read more articles.Meanwhile if you think that the Advanced PDF Tools is useful and remember go to this website .