You are certainly allowed to adjust page content because the pdf reader has already pre-set for you. But when you meet with some fixed page content, for example, scaling page content to 66% of the page width and 88% of the page height, or even strict ones, how could you achieve it? The offers you an easy way to rescale pdf page content using Advanced PDF Tools Command Line, with which you are free to rescale pdf page content. The procedures go below:
First, follow this link you will obtain this useful tool
do remember to extract it, for it is a zipped package.
Second, launch the MS-DOS command prompt window
steps are as follows:
start the dialog box of “cmd.exe”: press “start”>choose “Run”>input “cmd”>press “ok”
when the following appears, you will have the MS-DOS command prompt window
Third, input the command to rescale pdf page content
pdftools -i “C:\input.pdf” -o “C:\output.pdf” -j “66% 88% true”
- -i is to specify a PDF filename or a directory for input
- -o is to specify the PDF filename for output.
- -j is to specify set page content,
- “66% 88% ” the first parameter means to set page content to 66% of the page width and the second parameter to 88% of the page height,
- true the third parameter is a Boolean type value to set whether to center on page.
once the input is finished, press “enter”, you are allowed to see
Fourth, open the file to check, screenshots again
the below picture shows you have successfully resized pdf page content to 66% of the page width and 88% of the page height according to the command line and the above gives you a panoramic view of the changes of the pdf page content.