PDF files are popular among us, partly because of their fixed formats, reading clearly and carrying with easily. Obviously, you will fret how to rotate them according your preferences, the VeryPDF.com offers you a quick way to rotate specified pdf pages using Advanced PDF Tools Command Line.It is indeed a big help to your pdf files.
Follow this link you will obtain this useful tool https://www.verypdf.com/pdfinfoeditor/advanced_pdf_tools_cmd.zip. In order to execute this function to rotate specified pdf pages, you need to launch the MS-DOS command prompt window first, steps are as follows:
Click “start”>choose “Run”>input “cmd”>click“ok”, you will get the following box
once the preparation is done, you can input command line to rotate specified pdf pages, it is
pdftools -i “C:\input.pdf” -o “C:\output.pdf” –f “90” –u “2-4,8,15, 16”
Where –f is to specify set page rotation, 90 is the degree of rotation, which can be replaced by other degree such as 180, 270, -90, -180,etc and –u to specify pages.
when you finish typing, press “enter” key, do make sure what you input is correct, you will see
time to check the file and to see how they changed
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 1 gives a panoramic view of all pages, you will find the specified pages have been rotated 90degree, such as 2-4,8,15, 16. the second one show you the specified page 16. All demonstrate that your operation turns out to be successful.