In office life, we always need to add stamps to PDF files for annotation or other aims. VeryPDF PDF Stamp is an application developed for adding a pdf stamp to your PDF files. With this application, you can process your piles of PDF documents quickly and efficiently.
PDF Stamp is free for downloading and evaluation. You can download it via this link. After downloading and installing it onto your Microsoft Windows computer, you can run it via the [start] menu in your system.
After running the application, you will see an interface form like that displayed in the following snapshot. In the form, you can see some tabs, “PDF File List”, “Text Stamp”, etc. In the tab “PDF File List”, you can select PDF files that you want to add a pdf stamp. You can use one of the following methods to add one or more PDF files to the file list in the tab.
- Menu path [File] –> [Add Files] –> Browse to and select your PDF files for processing, this will add your selected PDF files in to the file list.
- Menu path [File] –> [Add Directories] –> Browse to and select one directory, this will add all the PDF files in the selected directory into the PDF file list.
- Drag those PDF files from Windows Explorer and drop them into the form, this will add your selected PDF files in the process queue, the file list.
- Press button [Add PDF Files] or [Add Directories], these two methods are the same as the two in the [File] menu.
After adding your PDF files for processing, the next step is to set pdf stamp options. To add a text stamp, please choose tab [Text Stamp], and you will see a form like the next snapshot.
In the tab [Text Stamp], please input a text string that will be used as pdf stamp, in the text box indicated by rectangle box 1 as displayed in the second snapshot. Then press button [Add], you will see that the text has been added into the “Text Stamp List”. Click the text item to set the focus on it, and then you can edit the text font with selecting radio button “Adobe Font” or “System Font”, set the font size via inputting a value in text box “Size”, and set the text color via clicking the button [Color].
On the right side, you can see the effect preview during setting the text stamp options. After setting required text stamp options, please choose the tab [PDF File List] again, and press button [Stamping]. Then you will see a dialog box requiring selecting a directory to save the stamped PDF file.
The above snapshot is of the PDF file before adding pdf stamp, and the below snapshot is of the PDF file with a text stamp added.
In the last snapshot, you can see that the PDF file has been added a pdf stamp. The red URL link is added because the trial version of PDF Stamp is used. To remove the red URL link of your PDF file, you can buy a license for your VeryPDF PDF Stamp.