If you are likely to view a pxl file in tif document format, the first step you have to do is convert pxl to tif; if you want to set page size when you convert pxl to tif, if you get more operations, the PCL Converter command line will satisfy you. The rest part of this article is going to give you a full picture on how to convert pxl to tif and set page size via PCL Converter command line.
Click the following link to download PCL Converter command line
Note, there are two ways to experience PCL Converter command line: one is to press “try”, the other one to press “Buy now”. The former one means you are entitled 50times free of charge to experience this wonderful software. The latter one means you purchase it for permanent use. You take below picture as reference.
Input command line to convert pxl to tif and set page size
The way to input command line is pretty easy, do Justas the following picture indicates,
1) Click “start” and then go to “Run”
2) Input cmd into the following
3) Press “ok”, you will find MS-DOS command prompt window popping up
Here goes the crucial step, you have to make sure the command line you are going to input accurate.
pcltool.exe -width 800 -height 600 C:\in.pxl C:\out.tif
- C:\in.pxl is to specify a pxl filename or a directory for input,
- C:\out.tif is to specify the tif file name for output.
- width 800 -height 600 is to set page size width to 800 and height to 600.
Once the inputting is done, press “ok”, you are allowed to see
Open your file to check the difference between two files
Now, you could open the file to check the page size. If you have any further questions, please feel free to visit at www.verypdf.com.