PCL, Printer Command Language, is widely used in printer. POSTSCRIPT is one of the primary formats in many software tools like PHOTOSHOP. VeryPDF PCL Converter is an application to convert pcl to postscript.
If you want to convert pcl to postscript, these steps will show you how to do it.
Step 1. You can go to this website, https://www.verypdf.com/pcltools/index.html, to download VeryPDF PCL Converter. After you download this software tool, you will see a compressed package.
Step 2. You need to install VeryPDF PCL Converter. Unzip this package and run the file whose extension name is .exe. The installing program of VeryPDF PCL Converter can be installed to your computer as long as you click on the button “Next” according to the instructions.
Step 3. Run VeryPDF PCL Converter and the main form will appear on your desktop. (See picture 1)
Step 4. You should click the menu item “Setting” and the dialogue box (Picture 2) will be popped up.
Picture 2
You should set the default option to “.ps” in the “Output format” box and Press “OK” in this interface above. In addition, there are other options in the dialogue box. You can set them if you need.
Step 5. You can convert the files to PS files. If you finish the fourth step, you will return to picture 1. You can hit the button “Start” and you will get another dialogue box (Picture 3).
Picture 3
You can select the storage location of the output files and press the button “OK”.
Up to now, the converting from pcl to postscript will be done.
Are you interested in VeryPDF PCL Converter? If you are, you can click on this URL to buy it.