VeryPDF PCL Converter which enables the converting work finished as soon as possible is developed to convert pxl to bitmap as well as pcl or px3 to other formats like jpg, tiff and pcx and so on. Moreover, VeryPDF PCL Converter has a lot of features which can improve your efficiency highly when you are converting files.
Are you interested in this tool, you can download it here. Then unzip the downloaded file and double click on executable file (or right click it and select the “Open” button) to install VeryPDF PCL Converter.
To convert pxl to bitmap in VeryPDF PCL Converter, you should follow these processes below step by step.
Firstly, Select VeryPDF PCL Converter from VeryPDF PCL Converter v2.0 entry which will be found on your windows start menu. The “VeryPDF PCL Converter” on your desktop will give you an access to this software tool easily. Just double click it. Picture 1 will come out on your desktop after you do run this application.
Secondly, to choose pcl files you want to covert, you need to click the “Add File(s)” button on the toolbar in picture 1. This tool button gives you access to picture 2, “VeryPDF PCL Converter 2.0”. In picture 2, select pxl files and press the “Open” button. At this time you will return to the main form.
Picture 2
Thirdly, Click the “Setting” toolbar button and VeryPDF PCL Converter opens a window(picture 3). Choose the “Base Setting” tab and customize “the output format” option to BMP and press the “OK” button to save your setting.
Picture 3
Finally, click the “Start” button on the quick access toolbar. A window called Browse for Folder will turn up after your clicking. Select an output directory in picture 4 and press “OK” to save it.
Picture 4
Then the conversion job will be completed.
The passages above tell us how to convert pxl to bitmap by VeryPDF PCL Converter in a simple way. If you are interested in VeryPDF PCL Converter, you can go to this page. If you want to buy it, you can log on this website: now.